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Frequently Asked ADHD Questions

How can I find out if I have ADHD?

Please have a look at the resources on our website – Read our ADHD New Patient Registration policy.  Please contact us to discuss this if you are concerned. You will be asked to fill in an ADHD questionnaire to explore this further and then a clinician can work with you on the issue.

How long is the wait time for a diagnosis?

At present – this is around 18 months however this can change depending on patient demand, which will affect waiting times.

Can I be given medication in the meantime while I wait for a diagnosis to manage my symptoms?

Unfortunately, ADHD medications are “controlled medications” and can only be initiated or changed on express instructions of a specialist.  This means it can only be authorised by a specialist after a diagnosis has been made.

I was diagnosed through the NHS with another practice in the UK – Will you still prescribe  my medication through the NHS?

Yes.  However you would be asked to provide evidence of your NHS Diagnosis and then we would refer you to the local NHS Clinic for ongoing review.

I am joining as a new patient and I was given a private diagnosis of ADHD – Will you prescribe my medication via the NHS?

We do not accept shared care plans from private providers.  We would sadly be unable to issue your medication or provide any monitoring.  You would need to be referred to local NHS services.  Until such time that you are reviewed by the NHS clinic, you would need to source your prescriptions and monitoring by your private psychiatrist.

I am joining as a new patient and I was diagnosed with ADHD overseas – can I get my medication via the NHS?

We would be unable to issue your medications on the NHS.  We would be happy to refer you to local NHS services.  Sadly there is a long waiting list for these services.  You would need to source prescriptions and monitoring via a private provider until such a time that you are seen under the NHS clinic.

I need help with my university work now and I am unable to wait for a diagnosis – How do I get help sooner?

Please speak to student support services at your university, who will be able to assist you with other forms of support via Education psychologists. Support for Disabled Students

My Childs school has advised I should contact my GP for urgent assistance with suspected ADHD – What happens now?

School remains the main point of contact to get a diagnosis of ADHD as per local pathways.  There is very little GP clinics can do to expedite these diagnosis.  However if you feel it’s needed, please request to discuss with a clinician who may be able to advise.

My pharmacy says they do not have my medication in stock?  What do I do?

Please speak to your local pharmacy to see if they can offer an alternative medication.  If your medication cannot do this, please call your GP surgery who will arrange a call with our in house pharmacy team.  Please be advised this will most likely not be an on the day call.