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Are you currently on an NHS patient waiting list?

Confirming your place on the NHS Scotland waiting List

NHS Scotland is using a new text message service to ensure our patient waiting lists are up to date and that patients still need their appointments or operations.

To help book patients for their appointment or operation as quickly as possible, they’re testing a new service to help us understand if patients’ needs have changed.

This service will be delivered by the NHS Scotland National Elective Coordination Unit (NECU) in partnership with the digital solutions provider, DrDoctor.

How does it work?

Text messages will be sent to people on the waiting list who have already provided a mobile number to their NHS Board. You will receive a text message from the NHS Scotland National Elective Coordination Unit (NECU) on mobile number 07860 039092.

This will include a link to a short survey asking if you still need your appointment or operation followed by a few questions to confirm your identity.

If you are waiting for an appointment or operation, please do not ignore this message.

Click on the link in your message to complete the survey:

First, tell us if you still need your appointment or operation by clicking Yes, No or Unsure.
Next, we’ll ask you to confirm your waiting list information by entering your name, date of birth and post code. If you are answering the survey on behalf of someone else, you must provide their details at this stage.
Lastly, you can provide some comments if you think this will help. Please note these will only be used to manage our waiting lists and may not be reviewed by a clinician.

What happens after I respond?

Your initial answer will determine what happens next.

Yes: You will remain on the waiting list and will be contacted when an appointment or operation becomes available.
No: We will contact you to ask why you no longer need your appointment or operation. Your Board will then remove you from the waiting list.
Unsure: A member of our team will call you to discuss your needs and will update the waiting list as appropriate.

We will also be calling a random sample of patients to assess this new service.

What happens if I do not respond to the text message?

If you do not respond to the text message, we will try to contact you twice by telephone. If you are unable to answer the call, we will leave a voice message asking you to call us back. If you do not respond to these calls, you will receive a letter from your NHS Board with instructions about what to do.

What happens if my condition changes while I’m on the waiting list?

If you have an urgent or emergency medical problem or concern, please contact the appropriate service.

In an emergency, always dial 999. For urgent care, call NHS 24 on 111

What is the National Elective Coordination Unit?

The National Elective Coordination Unit (NECU) was established by the Scottish Government to support national waiting times recovery.

Hosted by the Centre for Sustainable Delivery at NHS Golden Jubilee, NECU supports local NHS Boards to ensure that information held on NHS Scotland waiting lists is accurate and helping us to reallocate any appointments or operations that are no longer needed to others on the waiting list.

For more information and to download a leaflet, visit the Centre for Sustainable Delivery website.